


Designing and building your dream home is like starting a new business. You need a clear vision and a dedicated and talented team.

Hiring an architect and builder that you can trust is the first step. Your leadership in aligning values and identifying what success is for the team sets the project off strong.

Your team needs to trust you first!

Be a great leader and build your dream!


First, recognize and embrace that you are the leader. Then, understand WHY you are doing your project. This will help you identify the professionals that complement and share your core values. Let your values guide you in finding professionals with the specialized skills to support your goals and challenge you to improve them.

A great owner sets a clear mission and then shows up consistently to support the project team.

always be curious

Give us a call to discuss your dream. I would be happy to listen to where you are and then work with you to realize your dream.

Contact fred gutierrez to discuss your project.
